Deso Fat Dissolving
Fat dissolving injections have been around for many years but DesoBody and DesoFace contain a third generation sodium deoxycholate solution which is far more safe and effective than previous solutions.
Deso can be used to treat stubborn pockets of fat that just don’t ever seem to go despite diet and exercise or for generalised fat on the face or body. When injected the fat cells are liquefied and permanently destroyed. The fat is then removed naturally by the body’s lymphatic system
Sodium deoxycholate solutions have been used worldwide for many years and there is a lot of evidence proving its safety. Fat dissolving injections can potentially cause harm to the skin or surrounding tissue including muscle, nerve and blood vessels. It is therefore essential that treatment is performed by an expert practitioner. Safety is paramount and by adhering to the correct dosage, treatment depth, intervals between treatment and post-treatment care, any risk is minimised.
Following treatment, there will be some transient redness, swelling and tenderness which may last for a few days but often described as mild to moderate and not interfering with normal activities. Occasionally there may be some bruising which may last for a week or longer. Pain, numbness, tingling, hypersensitivity or altered sensation can occur if the injection damages a nerve, this is rare and recovers over time in almost all cases.
Due to the action of fat dissolving injections, it takes time for the fat to be eliminated from the body and although some results may appear in the first few days it is normal that the final result is not seen until 6 weeks post treatment.
After treatment, it is not recommend to spend time in the sun or use sunbeds and although exercise is encouraged to help enhance the effects, vigorous and demanding physical activity should be avoided for a few weeks. Gentle massage of the areas treated may help encourage fat drainage.
We strongly recommend the use of compression garments following treatment and the practitioner will advise you on suitable products during your consultation.